Monday, March 31, 2014


These past few weeks have been tough for Stock Market Adventures. Taylor and I went from around $10,000 now down to a measly $6,000. I do not know what is happening to our stock prices, we sold the stocks that kept going down but does not seem to have helped. I have continued to check up on stock terms, i have not yet found a new stock market technique though. Taylor and I need to research on the stock buying techniques. I am still optimistic about our stock game we just need to do a little more reshearch and get back up in the ten thousands. It is hard to determine what stocks will go on to do well and what will fall short. Thank goodness this is only a game, stocks are tricky i cant believe so many people buy them. we will keep trying stocks are still fun.

1 comment:

  1. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Keep researching - the idea is to improve, not to become an expert.
